Friday, June 25, 2010

Sharp Family Reunion

So every year my family has a camp out for the family reunion. I usually try to camp but this year seemed a bit daunting with just me and two little wild ones. So i chose to go up for just the day. It was great to see everyone and how beautiful Payson canyon is. Ava enjoyed canoeing so much. She was trying to row almost the whole time and kept asking by the boat rocked (to her it was a woo woo noise). She also tried to fish unfortunately coming home empty handed. Stella had fun as well with attention from all the family! She is walking now so she cruised around and showed off her new skills. The bad parent I am forgot shoes for her... so luckily Aunt Jenny had an extra pair for her to wear! Thanks Jenny! On the way home Ava fell asleep and was out cold for a good 40 min! I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did. I love my family and couldn't ask for anything more! You all are so special and unique in your own ways!


What do you think when people return presents? And I am not saying to exchange it for something else... I mean just mails it back to you? Has this happened to anyone else?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting back out there!

So a few of you know that I have been dating again.... wow did I not miss it. I was talking to my good friend Emma and she made a good observation.... Dating is fun when you are dating a person you like and they like you. Otherwise it just sucks. So I have recently had both experiences and boy has it been a roller-coaster.
I have to admit that I was in a point of my life where I was content... I was going to buy a home build a salon there and become self-reliant. Now I am not sure if I will be in Utah county for long... my overly planned life is in shambles. Oh well.... just as life gets comfortable it changes! At least in my experience it does.
So I need to meet people.... this is where you all come to play. Being a single mother of two makes meeting men pretty much impossible. I have signed up for the online dating thing and that has been promising as well as not. Why is it so awkward? I do not think I will ever get the "hang"of it! So if you have anyone for me pass them my way.
So what am I looking for? Good question... I am looking for someone with a strong testimony of the church... someone who enjoys serving others. I like men who can make decisions and have direction. Funny is always a plus. But for the most part just a nice guy who can keep up with me and the kids!
I just want to take this time to thank my parents for watching the girls so I could go out! Thank you Dad and Mom for being supportive and understanding. I have the best family ever! Love you guys.