This is my little Stella Lillie... also known as Stella Bella. She is One and still seems like my baby. That is probably due to the fact that Ava was so much bigger at one than Stella and not to mention more hair. Stella is a sensitive momma's girl. She likes toys and books. She is also a good eater but prefers solid food and will only be spoon fed when really hungry. She can say Mom and Dad as well as hi and yea! She will wave to you (well herself really because she waves backwards) and clap. She is on the verge of walking and probably could but likes to be held. She will scream or cry to get her way.. which is good when you are the little sister. Stella loves Ava more than anything and will follow her around and want to do what her big sister is doing. She has a swirly belly button and long skinny feet. She loves her bathes but hates getting dressed after. Stella is currently in my room so the girls can have naps undisturbed. She is the lightest sleeper though and will wake up to the smallest noise. It is fun to wake up to her babbling and playing with the few stuffed animals in her crib in the morning. You know when she's done being in her crib when she throws everything out! She loves to throw things. She will throw a ball and go fetch it and repeat as long as she is happy or Ava steals it. It truly amazes me how different my two chillins are! I hope they are great friends in the future. oh... and she sucks her two middle fingers.
Stella is pretty darn cute! I think it's fun that they both have their own distinct personalities. I think Stella is going to be one of those super pretty and super smart girls in school.